Course curriculum

    1. Subroutines

    2. Putting together a simple coroutine

    3. Resuming a suspended coroutine

    4. Lazily and Eagerly started coroutines

    5. Restrictions and various usage of coroutines

    6. Quiz: basics of coroutines

    7. Coroutine with co_yield

    8. Coroutine with co_return - Part 1

    9. Coroutine with co_return - Part 2

    10. Some gotchas with co_return

    1. Coroutines internal calls

    2. Accessing coroutine data in its caller

    3. Awaitables and Awaiters

    4. Awaiter Interface

    5. bool returning await suspend

    6. Non-void returning await_resume

    7. Assignment: Handcrafting your awaiter with constructor parameter

    8. Non void returning await_resume-1

    9. Non void returning await_resume-2

    10. Inifinite series generator with coroutine

    11. Coroutine with co_yield

    12. Coroutine with co_return-1

    13. Coroutine with co_return-2

    14. Awaiter Assignment 2

    1. Introduction to concepts

    2. The requires clause-1

    3. requires clause-2

    4. requires expression

    5. Named concepts, overload resolution and nested requires expression

    6. Simple vs nested requirements

    7. Compound requirements-1

    8. Compound requirements-2

    9. Type requirements-1

    10. Type requirements-2

    11. Terse syntax with constraints and generic code-1

    12. Terse syntax with constraints and generic code-2

    13. Abbreviated function template syntax and constrained auto-1

    14. Abbreviated function template syntax and constrained auto-2

    1. Introduction to three way comparison operators

    2. Default three way operator-1

    3. Default three way operator -2

    4. Quiz on C++20 Spaceship operator

    5. Compiler re-written expression

    6. Synthesized expression

    7. Quiz -2 on expression rewriting and synthesized expressions

    1. Prologue

    2. Ordering relation between objects

    3. Comparison salient state

    4. Substitutability

    5. Quiz on ordering, equivalence, comparison categories etc

    6. std::strong_ordering

    7. std::weak_ordering

About this course

  • $49.99
  • 58 lessons
  • 5 hours of video content


The changes in C++20 are considered to be one of the biggest, even than that of C++11. The suite of new language features and improvements to existing features changes the way C++ is used. This course is one stop shop to learn to use the latest changes

  • Covers all major additions of C++20: Coroutines, Concepts, Ranges, Modules, Three way comparison operator

  • Learn about improvements in existing language features: lambda expressions, template metaprogramming, concurrency and more

  • Learn to use the new library features: Ranges, Concepts, Date Time, String Formatting

  • Earn a certificate on course completion

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